You can never really tell what a turtle thinks.
But Mikey looks pretty chill, doesn’t he?
I’ve set the arbitrary, now tentative launch date of the ‘everyone’s riding’ website and blog for 15 February. That’s a ton load of work for me to get done between now and then.

Not only is the current site a mess, but I don’t think I’ve written enough content yet to keep anyone’s attention for very long.
I’ve been out of the game for over three years now, and even back when I was active, my sole role was as a programmer. Backend database stuff, the middlin’, or the user interface. – it barely mattered. If there was code involved, it would be up to me to make it work.
But now?
I’ve got to put all the pieces and parts together myself.
Project Manager, Programmer, Content and Media Manager, Art Director and Artist, Business Manager, Maintainer, and all the other nits involved in launching product…
All me.
Did I mention branding manager?
Yeah, that’s on me too.
So far, I’ve gone through the organization and requirements phases. Scope document is about done, and I’ve written a few “beta” posts like the one you’re reading now.

There are a lot of things to tackle. Everything needs attention. Everything has equal weight.
Focused effort and team communication are the two vital keys to pay heed to If you really want to turn that jelly into jam.
More items of note that need attendin’ to:
- Software training
- Search engine submissions
- Site Design Elements
- SEO training
…and much more
I’m using Basecamp to track it all. I like its workflow dynamics better than most.
Of course, no matter what project management software I had chosen, they’re all teams based, so that leaves me communicating with myself.
a lot.
Time to Rock.
Let’s get it started in here!