Monday, February 10, 2025

A Great Ride


I almost missed out on a great ride today. It was cold and rainy long after Sharon left for work this morning, so I was doubtful I’d be able to ride, instead, I opted to take the car for a spin and pick up this weeks groceries. While I was at it, i had the tires rotated, and even picked up a couple of tools i needed to finish the head gasket replacementon the Honda. It turns out, a lot of little things fell into place quickly. I even went ahead and scheduled family schedule eye exams. – All before lunch.

I don’t need much of a push when it comes to riding my bike, so around noon, with the sky threatening rain and some remaining dampness on the streets, i opted for a bike ride instead of worrying about keeping the Honda engine bay dry.


It turns out that even though the outcome was iffy, the ride was a better choice.

I make record time around the Greenbelt loop, and the ride itself proved to be memorable. Not a drop of rain, the paths were dry, and the temperature kept rising out of the 40’s all throughout.

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