A Great Ride
I almost missed out on a great ride today. It was cold and rainy long after Sharon left for work this morning, so I...
Baby it’s Cold Outside
I'm supposed to be writing at least 5 minutes each day, twice a day, the preferred times being just after waking up, and then...
Weather or not
See what I did there? The last few days have been pretty cold here in West Georgia. It's made cycling more interesting but has...
Blown head gasket
With any luck, and if the weather holds long enough for me to finish today before dark, I'll get the head gasket replaced on...
I rode today
After church. After going out for lunch. After nap. I rode today. Sure, it was cold. But it felt good to be putting it...
So what if it’s cold
13 degrees in West Georgia is pretty cold. The wind chill probably drops that number closer to 7 or so. - it doesn't mean...
Hendrix on Sunday
"Five minutes twice a day," she says. "It'll change your life," she says...
So far, so good. Although there's been nothing I can claim to...